inital results on error correction

While I have yet to actually implement the full-scale error correction as I want to, I did some manual tests today. I basically took a track that I was erroring out on, and swapped in 1-bit away values for the bad bytes.  In some cases, it appeared...

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working cause of bit errors

I think I’ve stumbled on something. I don’t think I’m capturing enough data. 13,824 has been my magic number forever.  It was larger than the 13,800 that Marco used in afr.c.  But I’m beginning...

SX code

Ok so I’m using SX/B, which is BASIC for the SX. Even if you’ve never touched SX/B, it reads very easily, anyone who knows the PIC or other mcu should understand….. Here’s the logic behind the...

PCB ordered from Seeed Studio

I placed the order late last night for the PCB! The PCB design is obviously finished, fully passes the kicad DRC checks, the problems with the footprints were solved. I’ve decided to go with Seeed Studio’s...

new read routine implementation started

Last night, until 3am, I spent redoing my read routine to incorporate the method discussed in the comment of the last post. Basically, I use the time between the pulses as an indication of the data.  I store 2-bit...

switching design from DRAM to ALTRAMs

So as my last couple posts alluded to, I’ve been having problems with my DRAM-based design. My controller isn’t dual-port. And I’ve been trying to wrap my head around a time-slot method for arbitration...

Histogram of one track

Here’s a histogram of one track off an amiga floppy disk.  Notice the peaks near 4us, 6us, and 8us. I’ve got this data from my logic analyzer, crunched through my little C proggie, and then graphed with...

added byte-sync to my transfer routine

Well, after much thought, pondering, and discussion with David, I finally implemented a working byte-sync routine to my SX software. I don’t have it fully working with the PC side software yet, because this...

Marco Veneri

I had the great pleasure of trading emails with Marco Veneri today.  He is the original author of the Amiga Floppy Reader(AFR), of which I refer to very frequently, and have based most of my work to date on. I have...