inital results on error correction

While I have yet to actually implement the full-scale error correction as I want to, I did some manual tests today. I basically took a track that I was erroring out on, and swapped in 1-bit away values for the bad bytes.  In some cases, it appeared...

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on memory controller optimization

So I’ve been trying to optimize a freeware memory controller for my particular memory chip. I’m running into this situation where the DRAM to ALTRAM copy takes upwards of 24us per line. But I only have a...

AFP 0.2 WIP SX code

I’ve put some work into cleaning up the SX code tonight. I’ve removed some code sections no longer needed, and added documentation where it was lacking. Code should be commented pretty good. I’ve also...

changed from rxtx to jd2xx

Okey dokey. I’ve changed from rxtx to jd2xx.  rxtx didn’t support DTR/DSR flow control, which really is an absolute must for my application.  There would have to be hardware changes that I’d be...

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Recapping a Samsung 204B monitor

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reworking my uart

Well I rewrote my recv and send uart, and with the help of my logic analyzer, I’ve tuned them up pretty good. I’m getting some transfer errors, somehow, and I think its related to buffer size. I read a disk...

further development on the AFP

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Canada Post sucks

So I made the mistake of having an Amiga book shipped from Canada using Canada Post Expedited USA shipping.  It was dropped off at a post office on Nov. 17th in Mississauga, Ontario.  Now Mississauga is about 300 miles...