inital results on error correction

While I have yet to actually implement the full-scale error correction as I want to, I did some manual tests today. I basically took a track that I was erroring out on, and swapped in 1-bit away values for the bad bytes.  In some cases, it appeared...

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my checksum algorithm

So I’m using an XOR checksum to detect errors in the transfer between the SX and the PC.  I always thought it was a reasonably strong checksum, even though it’s still an 8 bit checksum. I found a neat...

Am I reading MFM wrong?

I’m beginning to think that I don’t fully understand the signalling coming out of the drive. I understand the concepts behind MFM (I think), but the actual application to this project, I’m not so sure...

Flow control

I’ve gotten away thus far without any flow control. I just started noticing that my software was locking up occasionally when reading a disk. It was locking up in the “read” portion of the code because...

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After skimming the patent I referenced in the earlier post, I’m starting to come to the realization that in order to have an effective floppy controller, I need to implement a decent PLL which can better track the...

March 21st Status

Well, here’s where I’m at: The external amiga floppy drive is now hooked directly to my SX microcontroller.  The code within the microcontroller waits for a command.  If it get’s a “B”...

Let the fun begin!@#!@#

Everything has arrived!  I think the first order of business is soldering this darn memory chip…. Not sure how hard this is going to be, but I’m going to give it a shot!@#

RXTX and Java

As I mentioned before, I’m using RXTX to do serial communication in Java since Sun has dropped support for serial communication under the Windows platform.  I want to revamp my read routines on the java side...