inital results on error correction

While I have yet to actually implement the full-scale error correction as I want to, I did some manual tests today. I basically took a track that I was erroring out on, and swapped in 1-bit away values for the bad bytes.  In some cases, it appeared...

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simplified ISR

It looks as if I spoke too soon. I’m still having reading problems.  The data used to be forced into an MFM mold, but all that’s done in some cases, is to further corrupt the corrupt data. I rewrote my ISR...

logic analyzers

I’ve recently received a couple emails on additions to the logic analyzer page. Once I get some time to check them out, I’ll make the corrections. I’ve been super busy with life — switched jobs...

finally got some work into the VSC

Ok, so I’ve finally got some work done on this tonight. I’ve decided to go to a 4-line buffer system because it’s a more round number than 3 — makes everything easier to deal with. I’ve...

going around the problem

Welp, I’ve ordered a new, but cheap ($5.99!) regular PC floppy drive from  I like this end result much better anyways.  PC drives are much more available, popular, cheap, and so on. was worried about...

Current updates

Wow. I can’t believe its been 20 days since my last post. Man have I been slacking. School has started up again, and add a week I was away on business/pleasure and there you have it. Here’s where I’m...

sync on data

The more and more I play with this I find that I’m limited with visibility. Its tough to debug when you constantly have to deal with this overhanging problem : The data arrives at my hardware, and to the PC...

more testing

so I put the amiga floppy back on the amiga, and the amiga reads disks no problem.  Glad to see that my drive hadn’t fried through all my messing around. I haven’t seen valid MFM coming from the drive in so...

Amiga QB Extract recently updated

There was a HDD backup utility for the Commodore Amiga called Quarterback, part of a suite of tools called Quarterback Tools. This utility allowed you to backup existing files on your HDD, compress and/or encrypt them...