inital results on error correction

While I have yet to actually implement the full-scale error correction as I want to, I did some manual tests today. I basically took a track that I was erroring out on, and swapped in 1-bit away values for the bad bytes.  In some cases, it appeared...

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Parallax USR2SER

So I got my Parallax USR2SER in yesterday. Man is this thing tiny!! About the same width of my finger, and about 1/3 the length! And its mostly surface mount stuff….. It works like a charm. Easy installation, I...

memory chip mounted

Welp, I got impatient, and went to Radio Shack to buy their soldering station. I still have mine coming in the mail, but its ground from Arizona, which may as well be ground from Alaska. I soldered the header pins onto...

minor success at 2:00am

well I’ve got MFM flowing from the PC drive now.  A couple of things: Pins 10 and 14, the pins I’ve been using since last night, appear to be correct. Pin 10 is the motor lead.  Dropping a corresponding SX...

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As you can see above, we have a “10” (4 us), another “10”(4 us) and a “1000”(8 us) chunks of data.  Little noisy there.

looking at the code this a.m.

Welp, I decided to take a look at my code today, although I can’t actually implement anything until after I get home from work. 🙂 Not sure if I mentioned this eariler, but I’m now padding the data sent from...

On speed optimization

The theoretical limit, assuming 300rpm drives, is 200ms per track. Or 400ms per cylinder, or 32 seconds per disk. Most attempts read slightly more than one track. I read 16,384 bytes, or 262ms worth. Right now, if I...

first day back

You know, I always hate the “first day back” working on a project.  Things always seem to get screwed up between the time I last worked on a project, and that day.  Even if nothing has changed. Or so I say...

USB uart send and receive

Good news, good news. After banging my head on the same problem for the last three hours, I’ve finally made some more progress. Using option #2 from the previous post, I’ve written two non-isr based software...