inital results on error correction

While I have yet to actually implement the full-scale error correction as I want to, I did some manual tests today. I basically took a track that I was erroring out on, and swapped in 1-bit away values for the bad bytes.  In some cases, it appeared...

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more hardware

When in doubt, just throw some more money at the problem! 🙂 Actually, I’m kidding. But I do have the Parallax USB2SER on its way — maybe the USB will be much faster, buffered, and more reliable. Those...

Found one issue

Well, within an hour or so of getting my new LogicPort logic analyzer hooked up, I’m at least noticing some symptoms that I haven’t seen before. The drive is putting out(or the logic analyzer and my sx is...

SlackFest 2007

Ok, I’ll admit it.  I’ve been slacking like the best of them. I’m not horribly unsatisified with my progress, especially this year.  The first four months of this year I achieved the following: * Whole...

Halloween 2007 AFP updates

DTR-based PC to SX flow control is now enabled and working, thanks to jd2xx. It has been tested, and SX responds appropriately to a STOP request. Strangely, with the new jd2xx code, it doesn’t appear that flow...

more followup winIO vs inpoup32

I did a little informal write test. A small tight loop that simply raises pin 1 and then lowers it again. Both in as little code as possible, as clean as possible. WINIO: Total time to raise and lower again, 2.5us...

merging USB receive

Well, I’ve managed to merge the USB receive portion into the main program that reads and processes tracks.  This means I no longer need an external program to receive the data, to write it to a file, to read the...

mail issues from the blog

I dunno how or why, but there were problems with the outbound mailing from my blog. In any even, I’ve added a new plugin, and everything is working much better. If there are any complaints, problems, etc please...

Of timing, and general progress

I’ve determined that programming is like whack-a-mole(only took me 15 years to figure this out!) Fix one problem, and another one that already works stops working. This is what happened to me yesterday. My ISR...

followup on speed of inpout32

Welp, did some testing last night, and no, it doesn’t look like inpout32 is really going to be any faster. Damn shame because it was relatively easy to setup and use. Quick reply from the authors(thank you) who...

current code plus recent progress

Although its ugly, the new code is here. This shows the entire ISR in assembly now. I do like it much better. Tonight I happened to transfer a track that has a good sector. The sector header passed checksum, as did the...