inital results on error correction

While I have yet to actually implement the full-scale error correction as I want to, I did some manual tests today. I basically took a track that I was erroring out on, and swapped in 1-bit away values for the bad bytes.  In some cases, it appeared...

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cleaned up the project

So after banging my head for awhile, things still aren’t working as they had prior to my stepping away from it. What I did last night was to partially dissassemble everything, and rewire a decent portion of it. ...

switched servers

Well, I’ve switched servers at my webhost.  I’ve updated WordPress and Gallery.  No major changes, but both of these updates fix security vunerabilities.  I’ve been wrapped around this for a...


I originally thought that the SX might be sending the data too fast for the PC to handle. As my last post mentioned, one full cycle is 12us, but who knows if this is during a disk-write, going into the cache, etc. I...

funky idle routine

I’m making some progress. On a whim, I told my software to never go idle, to simply stream data constantly. I’ve never liked how I handle the idle state, and I currently lose whatever data thats in the shift...

java client preview

I’ve put up a preview of the java client in action. It’s a 2 minute video with narration. You’ll need a DivX codec installed in order to view it. I probably could have messed with compressing this...

Hardware and code diagram

I’ve thrown up a PDF that shows the basic hardware setup. It also shows the flow of my software, which is very simple. I didn’t put the clock details on there such as how often the clock rolls etc because...

new book

I picked up a copy of Reversing: Secrets of Reverse Engineering this past weekend. I have about 5 or 6 chapters read. All very good. It was published April 2005 or thereabouts, and so its much more updated than the book...

java client works

Well I’m producing correct .ADF’s with the new java client. The terminal mode is also finished and working. I have some various odds and ends to wrap up with it, namely allowing the user to save his...

test results of my output file

What I wanted to know was if the output file that I collected via my setup was actually correct. I was confident that since I was getting 4489’s consistently, that I have to be at least part way...