inital results on error correction

While I have yet to actually implement the full-scale error correction as I want to, I did some manual tests today. I basically took a track that I was erroring out on, and swapped in 1-bit away values for the bad bytes.  In some cases, it appeared...

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java and portability

While I have some experience with Java, I’ve never tried to run my stuff cross-platform. Never a real need. While most of the Java stuff has yet to be written, I took some basic serial code and GUI stuff, and...

semester is over

Welp, my spring semester is over, so I’ll have more time to dedicate to the project. A couple quotes I like on Perseverance: It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer...

Parallel port access in win 2k

Accessing the parallel port directly under Windows 2000, XP, etc in a standard user app is not natively available, but there are a couple different solutions available. The free one I use is called WinIo, and it is...

still no better

Well I’ve decided that my current approach just isn’t improving the situation. And despite help from a lot of people, I’m no better off than I was a few weeks ago. I happened to stumble upon...

current results

Now that I have a portion of Marco’s old code implemented, I’ve run an output file from my SX through it. It’s one whole track from a capture of a DiskMonTools. It’s almost 14k long, which sounds...

java software updated

Tonight I’ve finally got around to adding a config file option so that you don’t have to keep selecting a comport to open.  It also remembers your “number of retries” before skip options. Simply...

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Welp, this is finals week, so don’t expect anything new to show up until after April 28th, 2005. But, this doesn’t mean I’ve forgotten about this project! I am very much interested in moving this...

review of timing details

I set up a couple more hardware flags on my software so I could see things like, edge detections vs rollover detections vs PC transmissions, etc. It all looks perfect to me. I took maybe a dozen different samples...

Speed of the reading on the PC

Ok, well I’m now satisfied that the PC is fast enough to do its portion of this job, using the standard WinIo dll. I managed to redo a portion of the code so it’s faster, and the total time on the PC is 6...