PC xfer still not working

Well I completely rewrote the code. And surprisingly, it looks pretty similar to what I did before. I moved the store/transfer routine out of (being called from) the ISR to the main loop. As soon as the ISR detects a...

Of timing, and general progress

I’ve determined that programming is like whack-a-mole(only took me 15 years to figure this out!) Fix one problem, and another one that already works stops working. This is what happened to me yesterday. My ISR...

Am I reading MFM wrong?

I’m beginning to think that I don’t fully understand the signalling coming out of the drive. I understand the concepts behind MFM (I think), but the actual application to this project, I’m not so sure...

Schmitt Trigger

Welp, after talking with some smart guys on, it looks like the Schmitt Trigger feature on the SX is going to allow me to get rid of my 74HC132 that I’ve spent at least a couple hours messing...

Ground issues

Although I’ve been attempting to have a common ground for this whole project — I’m not sure that is going to happen. At least not at this stage of the game. I tried connecting the ground off the floppy...

SX microcontroller with 74HC132

Here’s a picture of the prototype coming together. From the top down on the breadboard, you see a pull-up resistor, on the input that comes in on the yellow wire. The output comes out of the grey wire on the right...

Current status updated

Current status updated I was originally going to use a Microchip PIC, but they are just too darn slow. I gave up on the idea of using the PIC as a one-chip solution, and tried to use it as just a clock generator feeding...