With help from Ralf on this comment I was able to Disable the memory by no-longer grounding PIN 32, and sometimes forcing CE high on the SRAM chip. Boot a workbench disk, and then break it on startup. Insert a disk...
Amiga A501 Replacement
Amiga Guru Meditation number 00000003.00C06560
Found a bad flip/flip replaced it, and now I’m on my way. The amiga appears to be getting past the initial boot stages including the ram memory checks! I see the blue screen, and the disk drives starts loading...
Ended up destroying the v1 prototype, too many damn wires
This version is much better, much cleaner. I also ordered some new wires that I hope will clean up the latch <—–>memory connections and amiga connector (CNX) to the protoboard. Things are coming...
Finished wiring of the prototype, hooked it up
So I finished cabling up the solderless breadboard, and after checking connections, and checking pwr and gnd, I plugged it into the amiga. The amiga boots, which is a good sign, but then it never recognizes the memory. ...