I want to put together a softcore 68K computer system, just something simple. I’ve purchased, but not yet received, the Terasic Cyclone V GX Starter Kit, an Altera FPGA eval board. It looks pretty sweet and...
Food & Drinks
my mini-review of the IKALOGIC Scanalogic-2 PRO logic analyzer
As many of you know, I maintain a comparison page of sub$1000 logic analyzers here. I previously owned both a LogicPort and a Saleae Logic unit. I just received in the mail an IKALOGIC Scanalogic-2 PRO logic analyzer. ...
EEVBLOG does a video teardown on the Amiga 500!
Dave just posted this! I’m so glad to see him take this on!
progress on amiga vsc made this weekend, VSYNC problem persists
Worked on the Amiga VSC this past weekend at Notacon with my super smart friend Brian P. We made some progress, including eliminating all but the smallest HSYNC related bugs. There is still a problem that is haunting...
Video artifacts present in scan doubled video
I uploaded a video to youtube that shows some video artifacts happening with the scan doubled video. The entire video shakes as if interlaced, but it’s not. Original res 320×200(15.7khz), doubled to...
Latest articles
Identify PAL inputs and outputs
In order to properly reverse engineer a PAL, you need to correctly identify which pins are inputs, and which pins are outputs. This in some cases is trivial because some of the PAL’s pin functions are fixed...
Why simply “dumping” a PAL isn’t always possible?
Contents Rom Dumping Dumping ROMs is a pretty common practice in the space of reverse engineering, and many eeprom readers are cheap, easily available, and there’s really not much to them. Plunk your ROM chip in...
My PAL stimulator
If you’ve been following my blog, you’ll see that I’ve been reversing a Commodore Amiga SCSI HDD Expansion card called the Dataflyer. On that Dataflyer, there’s a PAL that handles address...
Dataflyer 500 reversed schematics are coming….
While trying to reverse the function of the Commodore Amiga Expansion Systems DataFlyer 500 BUSS PAL, I really needed to know what was connected to what. There are no, as far as I know(!!), schematics available for this...
Some reverse engineering notes on DataFlyer 500 BUSS Pal
As you may have seen in this other post here I have an interest in this Amiga hard drive controller designed for the Commodore Amiga 500. I used this for years to interface an HDD. At the time I took some photos of the...
Refilling Star Micronics NX-1020 black ribbon ink cartridges
I have an old Star Micronics NX-1020 Rainbow printer from circa 1993. I bought this printer using my paper route Christmas money that I saved up for months. The printer served me valiantly throughout the early 90s. This...